又病了。每回要出国总要病一场。当然不是近乡情怯了。是上天告诫说不要兴奋过了头。考日文试也是浑浑噩噩的,许多不该犯的错误都犯了,虽然还是过关。班上有几位那种看起来很厉害背书的(不是绑牙就是戴眼镜哪类)好学生,果然成绩就很好。俺想,如果是考口试─ “如何把一名日本仔勾上床?” 那班妹妹仔肯定要输唐唐三条街。
有谁听EBTG?最近很爱这首歌─ My Head Is My Only House Unless It Rains
I’ll let a train be my feet if it’s too far to walk to you
And if a train don’t go there
I’ll get a jet or a bus
'Cuz I’m gonna find you
You’re gonna see my shadow soon around you
And my head is my only house unless it rains
I’ve walked the meadow plains
Water deserts on my eyes until I find you
I won’t sleep until I find you
I won’t eat until I find you
And my heart won’t beat
Until I wrap my arms around you
And my arms are just two things in the way till I can wrap them around you
You can make a sad song happy
And a bad world good
I can feel you out there movin’
You’re mine and I know I’ll find you
And my head is my only house until I found you
I hate to hear other people hear me sing this song
If it reaches you before I do
Follow this song to I love you
That’s where I’ll find you
And my head is my only house unless it rains
And my head is my only house unless it rains
And my head is my only house unless it rains
And my head is my only house
My head is my only house
My head is my only house
My head is my only house
Unless it rains
Unless it rains
Unless it rains
Unless it rains
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