Sunday, June 23, 2013






Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

i do saw this article today.. he is talking crap =.=

Anonymous said...

世事无常无相,不须为某某狭窄的个人观点激愤。只要不作孽心安理得甭管世俗指责。相对上达赖喇嘛的思想更为豁达容纳,excerpt below is extracted from Wikipedia.

In his discussions of the traditional Buddhist view on appropriate sexual behavior, he explains the concept of "right organ in the right object at the right time," which historically has been interpreted as indicating that oral, manual and anal sex (both homosexual and heterosexual) are not appropriate in Buddhism or for Buddhists, yet he also says that in modern times all common, consensual sexual practices that do not cause harm to others are ethically acceptable and that society should not discriminate against gays and lesbians and should accept and respect them from a secular point of view. In a 1994 interview with OUT Magazine, the Dalai Lama clarified his personal opinion on the matter by saying, "If someone comes to me and asks whether homosexuality is okay or not, I will ask 'What is your companion's opinion?'. If you both agree, then I think I would say, 'If two males or two females voluntarily agree to have mutual satisfaction without further implication of harming others, then it is okay.'"

plusmy said...

Stick to the very basic of Shakamurni in Kalama Sutra's 《羯臘摩經》 teaching

1) Do not go upon what has been acquired by repeated hearing
2) Do not believe in tradition, simply because it has been handed down for many generations
3) Do not trust in anything just because it is spoken or rumoured by many
4) Do not accept what is written in a scripture or text
5) Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers or elders
6) nor upon surmise,
7) nor upon an axiom,
8) nor upon specious reasoning,
9) nor upon a bias towards a notion that has been pondered over,
10) nor upon someone's seeming ability

In Lotus Sutra, even mentioned the "bad guy" Devadatta can attain Buddha some day